U.S. Intellectual History Blog

S-USIH Membership

As secretary of the Society for U.S. Intellectual History it is a pleasure to announce that the society has entered (barely) the age of web-commerce.  By following the link below you can join S-USIH through a PayPal portal.

The link will take you to the new and developing S-USIH website. In order to use the site’s PayPal link you will need to create a WordPress account (if you do not already have one). The point of this is to allow the society to create a list of its members on its website in order to communicate with members and to provide access to members only content.
The fee for joining online is $42 ($40 for the membership + $2 for PayPal’s processing fees).  If you do not wish to join on-line you can still send a check directly to the society itself–the annual membership if paid by mail is $40.
Raymond Haberski, Jr.
Secretary, S-USIH
Marian University
Marian Hall 307
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222
A link to the membership form if joining by mail: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_e3tNxsNy8lODBkYjgxMjgtNjhjNC00YWRjLWIyZTMtZWM3YThjZDQxYTM0&authkey=CJ_MsZ8J

Our blog will remain as is and our next conference fast approaches.  Please send me questions you have regarding membership and the society.